Community Spotlight The James Memorial Preservation

What’s Happening is proud to announce our YouTube Channel !!! We are honored to feature our first Community Spotlight- The James Memorial Preservation.

In this Community Spotlight, Janessa sits down with Deana Novak. Deana is the President of the Board of Directors of the James Memorial Preservation. Our chat covers the history of the beautiful building and highlights the exciting events occurring this year. In this video, you will get a sneak peek into upcoming events and learn about how you can support the Arts at the James Memorial.

NOW is the best time to become a member of the James! There is an anonymous donor who is donating an extra $100 for every new member and $50 for every current renewing member.

To become a member, just visit the James Memorial website.

Here is where you can follow the James Memorial:


Facebook and Instagram: @thejamesmemorial


Artists on Main Workshop


Giving Hearts Day